The Untold Story of a Tiger’s Unfortunate Clash with Hyenas

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Across the grasslands of Africa, lions are the most powerful predators and they are ready to kill hyenas at every opportunity. However, the “big cats” will not eat the opponent, but only kill with the purpose of eliminating a competitor for food.There are many fights between lions and hyenas that have been observed and documented. Both have their own unique characteristics, and the lifestyle behaviors also differ greatly.

African lions are powerful creatures that usually attack and kill their prey within minutes. And hyenas are known to collect carrion and eat anything that can be eaten. Sometimes hyenas also hunt, but due to their low movement speed, they can only kill old or sick animals.

Lions are always the victors whenever they fight a hyena. The African lion is a powerful creature with overwhelming offensive skills that make it difficult for hyenas to overcome. When fighting, lions often pounce on hyenas, biting the neck until the opponent suffocated.

Although hyenas often lose these one-on-one fights, they are by no means easy to defeat. They have powerful jaws that can tear a lion apart.

The force of biting and keeping the teeth firmly submerged in the lion’s body is calculated on less than one ton of force (additional required). When there are many members, they will force the lion to fight to the point of exhaustion and injury.

Hyenas often have to rely on numbers to overwhelm lions. However, the speed and strength of an adult lion makes it difficult for hyenas to approach, let alone defeat.

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