Household Cavalry Member’s Unbelievable Marriage Proposal at Olympia

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Horses are part of every important event in all the equestrians’ life and the make sure to include horses in every experience. A member of the Household Cavalry, named Jonathan Adams decided to take the most important decision of his life and propose to his girlfriend Megan Baldry at the Olimpia Horse Show.








The trooper had the help of his fellow soldiers and their horses for a very unique way of popping the question. Trooper Adams and his mount, Hastings, participated at the Household Cavalry musical ride who took place from 16 to 22 December.









Adams put all the emotions aside and proposed Megan to be his wife in Olympia’s collecting ring to a guard of honor and display from his beloved servicemen. Everything was planned from the tiniest details, as he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.








Of course, ha was very nervous and was afraid that things wouldn’t go as he had planned but fortunately everything turned out fine. “I had known for around three months or so that I wanted to do the proposal at Olympia, but spent around a month alone planning out all of the fine details of it all.








Megan hadn’t a clue whatsoever, she watched the show and was then taken to the warm-up arena straight after our gallop out to where we had everything set up.” – said Adams. We must add that horses play a big part in both of their lives because Megan has been riding horses since she was little and her fiancé revealed that he picked Olympia as it was a very significant event for both of them.

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