Injured Elephant’s Epic Showdown with Crocodile

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Dubbed the most terrible “killing machine” in the natural world. Crocodiles are always a fear of animals living in the water and near the shore.

Possessing unbeatable bite force, crocodiles can eat antelope, buffalo, zebra and countless other animals that live near the banks of rivers and swamps.

Famous for being a cold-blooded cannibal, but it is very rare for crocodiles to attack and eat elephants as well as hippos.

In rare cases, crocodiles only attack elephants when there is a herd, because with a body mass of up to tons, crocodiles can hardly neutralize prey by normal means.

The video recorded the scene of a crocodile hiding in the water biting the elephant’s tail. Realizing the danger, the elephant cried out in pain, it turned around frantically trampling on the crocodile.

Suffering terrible tortures from giant elephants, the crocodile hurriedly ran away, not daring to turn around because he was too scared. It narrowly escaped death.

Everyone was extremely surprised, mixed with excitement before the battle of two large animals when watching the video above.

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