A Tale of Joyful Discovery for a Sightless Kitten

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Dr. Georgia from the clinic received a call from someone asking to surrender a kitten with “eye issues”. When he was dropped off, she realized that the kitten had microphthalmia, a developmental abnormality of the eyes.

The fluffy kitten whom they named Amigo, was a bit shy and unsure at first. With a quiet and comfortable place to stay, he began to warm up to his people.

Amigo settled beautifully into his new space, but needed a friend to keep him company. A rescued cat named Smokey was brought in to have a meet-and-greet with the tabby boy. She immediately took him in as her own.

She arrived at the rescue heavily pregnant and in need of a place to raise her babies. She was so thankful to have a roof over her head and plenty of food to eat.

She raised her litter into healthy, happy young cats, and they quickly found their forever homes. Three weeks later, Smokey continued to wait for her happily-ever-after.

“She has decided that Amigo is her new baby now, so she looks out for him and grooms him. He can still be a little on the scaredy-cat side, and loud noises can startle him,” Nikki shared.

With reassurance from Smokey and plenty of cuddles from foster carers, Amigo is getting braver and more adventurous. He turns into mush when Smokey dotes on him or sits next to him.

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