The LA-Based Baby Kitten Rescue Journey to a Surprising Revelation

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When the volunteers at Baby Kitten Rescue first met Wally, they knew something was wrong with the frail tabby kitten’s hind leg. He dragged it lifelessly behind him as he attempted to toddle around the shelter, mewing pitifully. The leg just dangled at an odd angle, unusable.

Concerned, the volunteers rushed Wally to their trusted veterinarian, Dr. Miles. Upon examination, Dr. Miles determined the leg had no remaining nerve function or blood flow. Most likely, trauma from Wally’s life as a homeless kitten caused irreparable damage. The leg was paralyzed.

To give Wally the best quality of life, Dr. Miles sadly recommended amputation of the leg. The kitten was immediately taken to an animal hospital for consultation with specialists. There, two more veterinarians came to the same conclusion – that removing the leg was Wally’s only option.

With heavy hearts but resolved to do what was best for him, Baby Kitten Rescue authorized the amputation surgery for brave little Wally. They knew that cats adapt incredibly well to losing limbs, and thrive afterward with proper care.

The surgery and recovery process went smoothly. Within days, Wally was attempting to scoot around on his remaining three legs, playful as ever. The rescue dedicated itself to ensuring he would still lead a full, happy life.

Now Wally zooms recklessly around the shelter, keeping his rescuers on their toes. He may have lost a leg, but he gained a bright future. Baby Kitten Rescue will see to it that Wally’s disability never limits his ability to find a loving forever home. He still has so much life to live!

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